+2000% to conversions into sales (study)

Talview had a problem – too many low quality leads.
Their sales team couldn’t handle all the leads.
Conversions into purchases were very low.

Then they changed their approach.
As a result: +2000% to lead quality

Here’s how they did it…

First they were generating leads from 22 different channels.

Then they stopped measuring channels by number of leads.
Instead – they analyzed each channel by one parameter:
Life Time Value / Customer Acquisition Cost * 100

Turned out:
1. Offline events: 1333%
2. SEO: 686%
3. Partners (business development): 541%

So they focused all their efforts on just these TOP 3 channels.

+2000% to lead quality

Your channels can differ from theirs.
The key is to run your own analysis per channel.

Source: blog.talview.com/inbound-marketing-channels-you-should-focus-on