21 pattern of virality

I decided to check out the most viral videos in the entire history of mankind, and noticed some general repetitive patterns that can be used to produce new, potentially viral, videos.

Here’s what I got (X * is the number of repetitions of this pattern):

1. 6 * Children do something funny. Example: youtu.be/_OBlgSz8sSM

2. 7 * Dogs / cats / pets doing something like humans. Example: youtu.be/CQzUsTFqtW0

3. Miracles of synchronicity. Example: youtu.be/K2cYWfq–Nw

4. Something unexpected in reality. Example: youtu.be/Mh4f9AYRCZY

5. Destruction of something very valuable. Example: youtu.be/lAl28d6tbko

6. Marasmatic humor. Example: youtu.be/wCF3ywukQYA

7. 3 * Children doing something like adults. Example: youtu.be/cZtH6sDUZlQ

8. LOL. Example: youtu.be/y3yRv5Jg5TI

9. 3 * Parody of something popular. Example: youtu.be/35KqGNa1FGA

10. The evolution of something, shown in a funny way. Example: youtu.be/dMH0bHeiRNg

11. Something short and funny in different countries of the world. Example: youtu.be/zlfKdbWwruY

12. Very professional modern dances. Example: youtu.be/Kl5B6MBAntI

13. Victory of love and kindness. Example: youtu.be/vr3x_RRJdd4

14. 2 * Sincerity, open expression of feelings. Example: youtu.be/zGxwbhkDjZM

15. 4 * Sudden dances in unsuitable places. Example: youtu.be/4-94JhLEiN0

16. 3 * Transformation from something unattractive to very beautiful (for example: from a homeless – to a successful one, from ugliness to beauty, from a low-quality video – a cool voice). Example: youtu.be/YFMaLuI1uxc

17. Scientific experiment, synchronized with music. Example: youtu.be/hKoB0MHVBvM

18. 12 * Serious dude does something non-serious. Example: youtu.be/oavMtUWDBTM

19. “Will you marry me?” at a public event. Example: youtu.be/34ebORHCixQ

20. The process where something transforms/flows/goes into something and you do not know what’s next. Example: youtu.be/UtsfUAHkyWQ

21. Prank at the professional level. Example: youtu.be/VlOxlSOr3_M