21 ways to add social proof to your product

If prospects don‘t trust you, address their fear with this 21-bullet list.
If your product/market fit, copy, images, product, urgency, pricing, etc. are great,
… but conversions are still low.
There is a big chance that it’s because people don’t trust you.In this case, you need to add social proof.

Here are the 21 ways:

1. Customer testimonials
2. Celebrity endorsements
3. Case studies
4. Media mentions
5. Who are your customers
6. Trust seals
7. Certifications and badges
8. Platform integrations
9. Social share count
10. Subscriber/user/customer count
11. Screen shots from social media
12. Public ratings and reviews
13. Test scores
14. “Best seller”
15. Results of surveying your customers
16. Number of orders
17. Real time stats
18. A list of popular posts/products
19. Customer showcase
20. Customer photos
21. Customer stories

P.S. Don’t use any proof if your social proof is low.