3 science-proven facts about storytelling

The biggest problem is not lack of knowledge.
The biggest problem is procrastination.

People know that a piece of knowledge is good but don’t apply it because of lack of motivation, lack of answers to “Why should I do this?”

You already know that storytelling boosts sales like crazy.
But if procrastination has eaten your intentions to apply this knowledge…
.. these scientifically proven facts will recharge your motivation:

1. MRI scans reveal that when we read words like “perfume” and “coffee”, our primary olfactory cortex activates.

2. When someone listens to a character-driven story, their brain immediately floods with oxytocin, a love hormone.

3. The hormone cortisol is released during the rising arc of the story, prompting a powerful emotional reaction even when the listener knows the story is fiction.

Source: www.echostories.com/the-power-of-storytelling/