48% of hard traffic by an easy smart hack

Reddit is hard. You probably tried Reddit and found out that they hate promotion and adore trolling.

Not the best experience. I had the same. 🙂

Today I found an interesting case study on how Lookbook managed to generate 48% of traffic from Reddit without hustling and without being trolled.

Here are the steps they followed:

1. Chose the most suitable subreddit.

2. Looked at a list of moderators using this URL: reddit.com/r/subredditname/about/moderators (replace subreddit name with your subreddit name)

3. Clicked on a moderator‘s name.

4. Clicked on a “send a private message”

5. Asked a moderator to promote their product launch + incentivized a moderator.

6. Got promoted by a moderator!

Result: 229 upvotes, 762 comments and a ton of free traffic.