5 steps to get 3K quality leads for free…

Sean Bestor managed to gain over 3000 quality email subscribers, 22K followers, and 8 million views.
All of this from Quora. For free.

Here are the 5 steps he followed:

1. First he filled his profile and added a relevant offer with a link to collect leads.

2. Found topics related to his business and chose questions that fit these requirements:
2.1. Ratio of followers to the number of answers provided should be over 7:1.
2.2. A lot of followers, but many bad answers.
2.3. A question that he can provide a personal image to complement.
2.4. Or can add an emotional personal and genuine story.
2.5. Relevant to his bio offer.

3. He adds an image to stand out:
3.1. A celeb image.
3.2. Or a before-and-after image.
3.3. Or a personal picture.

4. He writes world-class high quality answer.

5. He adds soft gentle furry CTA.

Example: If this is a subject you’re interested in, we’ve written many articles about it. You can read them here: [insert link]

I hope they help you with [X pain point].“

P.S. The Quora staff picks from time to time best answers to publish them on major media outlets (with a link to your bio).
This is how Sean‘s answers were featured on Inc, Apple News and The Huffington Post.