How Nick hacks networking parties (example)

An example of a Nick’s email that convinced even introverts to come to his networking party…

It’s hard to convince people to come to your networking party.

Here’s an example of Nick’s email that convinced even my inner introvert to go and feel like I knew these people.

Subject: Cocktail Party
Thursday [Date]
6:30pm – 10:15pm

We will be hanging out at my friend [name]’s apartment which has a beautiful backyard including plants, flowers, a pond, and a bench.

++ Google map ++

– Mojito
– Cosmopolitan
– Shandy – …

– Grilled vegetables (thanks to [Name])
– Lemonade
– Cheap bear
– Rum or Vodka
– Japanese People

Guest List Gossip (this is the smart part that makes me feel like I know these people)
– [Name]. She’s the full-time designer and customer support for music website [link]. Loves cats, hates text messages.
– [Name]. He’s a doctor and amateur photographer. Lives in LES and recently bought an island on one of the Great Lakes.
– [Name]. She’s from California and we met in the taxi line at JFK’s T5. Recently went to Thailand. Lives in Greenpoint.
– [Name]. We went to middle school together. He played semi-professional tennis and the bassoon. Now works for a Swiss bank and lives near the UN.
– [Name]. Sold me an IBM ThinkPad from craigslist. Works in IT. Really built.
– [Name]. Friend of my friend [Name]. Tall and hot.
– [Name]. Has the best face/name memory of any person I have ever met. Went to Duke, works in medicine now. We used to date and I’m secretly jealous of her new boyfriend.

And so on.

At the party, everybody wears nametags. It helps you identify each person from the Guest List Gossip.

Love this email. Want to use it one day.