How to increase your opt-ins

How RocketMemory managed to increase their opt-ins by +271% without reducing number of form fields…

RocketMemory had low conversions for opt-ins: 5.15%
But they couldn’t reduce the number of fields in their form.

They asked for:
+ First name
+ Email
+ Age
+ Gender
+ Are you a student: yes/no
+ Are you taking classes or studying for something? yes/no

After they made the following changes, their signup rate increased by 271% (more than triple!)

Here’s what they did…
They split the flow into 4 micro-commitment steps:

Step #1: “Would you like to receive memory techniques specifically geared to what you’re studying?”: Yes/No

Step #2: “Are you a man or a woman?”: 2 options

Step #3: “Which of the following describes you?”: 4 options to choose from.

Step #4: “Where Should I Send Your Personalized Memory Tips?”: input your name and email.

As you can see, they asked for the same info but in 4 different steps.

The result is amazing:
over 3 times more opt-ins.