Over 700% higher conversions from FB Ads

AdEspresso analysed over 100 million dollars of ad spend and found that…
Cost-Per-Click for “Desktop Newsfeed” is 1.5-6 times more expensive than “Audience Network” and “Mobile Newsfeed”.

Scoro decided to implement this in their experiment.

1. Desktop ads had a 534% more expensive Cost Per Click than the ads displayed on Mobile + Audience Network.


2. But Desktop ad conversions were over 700% higher than “Mobile + Audience Network”.

Bummer + Ha-ha :).

I love to use “Facebook – Feeds” for Desktop Only as well.

Here are additional tricks that I use and see good results:
1. I choose “Daily Unique Reach” instead of “Conversions” for “Optimisation for Ad Delivery”.
2. But I choose “Complete Registration” pixel to see what my conversions are.

Source: klientboost.com/ppc/facebook-ad-testing/