Why don’t your videos boost conversion by 25%?

You’ve probably seen studies that show how having video on a landing page increases conversions.
But it doesn’t work the same way all the time.

Here’s the reason you probably didn’t think about.
Brian Massey uncovered this reason and saw significant wins: 25-30% increase in conversions.

Here’s what he discovered…
Conversion rates of landing pages with videos went up, but video plays did not.
The title card and the headline around the video turned out to be very important.
And it looks like it’s even more important than what is in the video.

What’s worth to A/B test?
1. Titles on your video.
2. Headlines around the video.

Source: growthhackers.com/amas/brian-massey-founder-conversion-sciences-author-your-customer-creation-equation