1 change = 70% more signups (study)

Mada Seghete, co-founder at Branch, shared a trick that helped her team increase the signup rate by 70%.

Here’s what they did…

First, when a user invited his friends to try their app out, they showed a regular signup screen.

Then they created a more personalized one – it shows a welcome from that friend as the first thing they see.

This experiment, this new personalized version, increase the signup rate by 70%.

If a referral system is not a part of your product, you can use personalization a bit differently.

This method helped Brian Dean to increase his opt-in rate by 8 times!

Yeah. That’s a lot.

How does it work?

If you have a blog, or any kind of webpage, where you try to convert your visitors into subscribers, instead of showing them the same offer (“Join our newsletter”), show them something personalized. The only thing you know about your visitor is that he/she is interested in information on your current page. So you need to offer something related to this page.

For example, if your article is on “how to mine bitcoin”, you can offer a “TOP 10 mistakes that cost miners millions of dollars” checklist in exchange for an email.

Or if this is an eCommerce page that sells a specific car, you can offer a discount or a free bonus for that car in exchange for an email.

And get 8 times more leads.