10x higher LTV for lifestyle businesses

How a book became a New York Times bestseller:

1. In 2012-2015, James launched his blog jamesclear.com and was writing 1-2
articles per week. Then converted visitors to email subscribers.

2. By 2015, he gained over 200,000 email subscribers. And then leveraged them to get introduced to literary agents.

3. In mid-2015, he selected an agent and spent 3 months working on creating a book proposal.

4. Late 2015. The agent sent the proposal to 19 publishers. 7 replied and said they wanted to meet.

5. Late 2015. He flew to New York. 4 publishers made an offer. He chose
the best one, signed a contract, and agreed to write the book in one

6. Late 2016. The book was not ready. He asked for an extension of
another year. Thankfully, the publisher granted the additional time.

7. Early 2018. He handed in the manuscript 3 months late.

8. Mid 2018. The team spent 9 months planning and working on the book launch:

8.1. 80+ podcast interviews in 2 months.

8.2. Dozens of text interviews.

8.3. He called in every favor he could think of and tried to be anywhere and everywhere.

9. October 16, 2018. Launch day. He flew to New York and did a segment
on CBS This Morning. The book vaults into the Top 10 on Amazon.

10. October 25, 2018. His book: “Atomic Habits” is named a New York Times best seller.

A book full of priceless practical value about building habits.

Easy, yeah? 🙂 No? 😉 But definitely worth it if you are running a lifestyle business.