14 ways to reach out to almost any person

From time to time we need to contact a specific person and offer something specific.

But the hardest part is – how do you get in touch with this person?

I’ve collected 14 ways on how to do it:

1. Google “Name Surname Twitter” and look at Twitter bio.

2. Have a look at a person’s LinkedIn profile “Contact” section

3. Check his/her personal website (about page, contact page)

4. Company website (about, contact, header)

5. Facebook fan page (about)

6. Guess it using these templates (or use an automated tool, i.e. Hunter.io):

[first name]@[domain]

[first name][last name]@[domain]

[first name].[last name]@[domain]

[first name]-[last name]@[domain]

[first initial][last name]@[domain]

[first initial][last initial]@[domain]

7. Google it using these templates:

[first name] + [last name] + @[domain]

[first name] + [last name] + @[domain] + email

[first name] + [last name] + email

8. Use clearbit.com.

9. Use BuzzStream Buzzmarker Chrome extension.

10. Go to Advanced Twitter Search

10.2. Search for the terms “(at) (dot)” in “All these words” under the “Words” section

10.3. Enter their Twitter handle in “From these accounts” under the “People” section

11. Go to https://www.whois.com/whois/ to find an email of the domain’s owner.

12. Ask for an intro using conspire.com.

13. If a person is among your LinkedIn contacts, go to
https://www.linkedin.com/psettings/member-data and import your data (including email addresses of all your contacts).

14. Ask a person on Twitter. When I failed to find an email address, I just tweeted at the person, and he replied pretty fast!