18M visits/m in 2 years [study + framework]

Real estate is boring. Who the hell is going to read a blog about real estate?

A real estate blog, Movoto, was originally boring and nobody read it.

One day they decided to follow these viral rules.

Result: 18 million visits per month in 2 years.

Here are the 4 main rules based on their colossal data:

1. Marry super viral content with your boring niche.

1.1. Find out what content is the most viral right now on buzzsumo.com

1.2. Tell the same/similar viral story from an angle related to your niche.

2. Use these images on social media:

2.1. People (especially people eating food)

2.2. Statues of people

2.3. Women in bikinis (note: They targeted their Facebook ads exclusively to women)

2.4. Wizards

2.5. Handwritten/drawn doodles on the above types of images

3. Use either numbers or “curiosity gap” in your headlines.

Here are the 4 examples of their most viral headlines:

– 33 Things People From Michigan Have To Explain To Out-Of-Towners

– 41 Things You Probably Didn’t Know About Irvine

– These Women Had No Idea What Was Waiting For Them In This Austin Mall. When You See What Happens, You’ll Be Blown Away.

– It Took This Guy Over 2 Years To Create His Project. If You’re From Chicago, You Need To See The End Result.

4. Optimize your social description:

4.1. Keep it brief (less than 50 words)

4.2. Have an opinion

4.3. Make it about the people (works here too)