This is gold: $4M on Google ads (10 rules)

Google Ads is such a powerful channel, but it’s so easy to waste all your money if you don’t know important nuances.

This guy spent $10 million on Google ads and shared 10 rules he learned:

Rule #1. I expect my campaigns to start off unprofitable.

The first round of spending is to accumulate data and then I just prune the losers (keywords, placements, and interests with the worst results).

In a couple of weeks of this pruning, I go from losing money to making money.

Rule #2. Track your ROI through Google Analytics or

Rule #3. Start off with CPC bidding.

When you’ve reached 50 to 100 conversions then you can switch to optimizing for conversions.

Once you’ve had 500 conversions, you can then switch over to aggressive targeting or display campaign optimizer (DCO).

Rule #4. Don’t make your ad look like an ad.

Instead, your ad should look like a featured post or featured product on the website. It should blend in but stand out (in the right way).

Here is an example of one of his highest performing ads…

Rule #5. I like to start off my campaigns with 300×250’s (mid-recs) because they are almost always the best performing size.

Then, once I find a good angle or messaging that works, I’ll get the full suite of sizes created.

Rule #6. Split text and image ads into separate campaigns.

This simple little tweak doubles sales for his campaigns.

Rule #7. Start with the narrowest targeting and then expand/broaden.

For example, if you are selling protein powder, target your ads to appear on (placement targeting) but only on pages that have the keywords “Protein, Protein Powder, Muscle Building, BCAA, Amino Acids.”

Rule #8. Always filter out the bots and click fraud.

The way to fix this is called “site category exclusions” and it lets you checkmark lots of different types of traffic you might want to be filtered out. You can filter out parked pages, error pages, mature content, violent content, and many others.

Rule #9. If your checkout is not mobile optimized (Stripe, Gumroad, and Paypal), then turn off mobile traffic.

Rule #10. Separate different mindsets into different campaigns.

Mobile users, desktop users, female, male, young people, old people – they all have different fears, desires, and mindsets – they think and speak differently.