5 steps to increase your website traffic

A small startup followed these 5 steps and increased website traffic by 600% year-over-year…
This small startup for people with diabetes had a very personal blog that was focused on the company, people, and product but not on their customers.

After they followed these steps, they were able to increase their website traffic by 600% year-over-year.

The steps:

1. They analyzed what topics are demanded by their audience through Google Trends (I also recommend Google Keyword Planner and KeywordTool.io).

2. Based on the demanded topics, created an editorial calendar.

3. Incorporated customer testimonials. Highlighted stories from influencers.

4. Increased posting frequency from once per 2-3 months to every month.

5. Focused heavily on promoting every post on Facebook and Twitter.
They recycled the topics or, if they saw people talking about a certain topic that they’d written about, they shared that article.

+ Increased average session duration by 107.5% in two months
+ Increased website traffic 600% year-over-year