5x open rate for B2B (study)

You’ve probably heard that using First Name in email subject lines boosts your open rates.

AppVault (recruitment marketing B2B platform) used something else instead of First Name in their subject lines.
As a result, their open rates went through the roof – increased by 5 times (from 13% to 66%).

What did they use?

They thought that First Name is overused in subject lines and people don’t consider such emails personal any more.

So they decided to find another piece of personal information.
Something their customers interact with every day and feel pain about.

In their case, they used the name of an applicant tracking system.
This is pretty niche information – and that’s the key.

In your case, you can use any unique name of something niche that your customers use now and feel constant pain about.

Source: www.marketingsherpa.com/article/case-study/appvault-email-landing-page-testing