9Q: Motivating users to invite their friends

When it comes to improving any metric in your funnel, including conversions to referrals, the most important part is to address the fears/doubts of your audience. You can do it by surveying your audience. Though it takes a lot of time.

Pawel Grabowski from CloudSponge did this for you and found the most popular questions/fears/doubts you need to answer/address to motivate more of your users to invite more of their friends.

Here they are:

#1. Is the product/platform useful?

#2. How involved am I with this platform?

#3. Will inviting this person help me develop my relationship with them?

#4. Will bringing this person to the platform improve my position within the group?

#5. Will it look like spamming my friends?

#6. Will referring make my friends think poorly of me?

#7. Will I look like someone who easily shares my friends’ contact details with anyone, not respecting their privacy?

#8. Will my friends love being on the platform, will they be impressed?

#9. Why should I invite my friends?