Free email marketing tool by Google

Email marketing requires time and it costs you money.
The bigger your email list is, the more you have to pay.

But what if you just want to notify your email subscribers about new blog posts automatically = Boost your retention.
What if it costs you $0.

Sound interesting? 😉
Well. There is one free tool by Google that I just noticed.

Here’s what this tool does for you:
1. It delivers your new blog posts to your subscribers via email.
2. People can subscribe from your website.
3. This tool is owned by Google. Where do you think they deliver emails: to spam or to inbox? 😉
4. You can export your email list at any time.
5. It’s free.

What is this tool?

Google FeedBurner Email

P.S. If you mix this free tool with another free tool – Welcome Mat by Sumo ( – OMG, that’s going to be massive!
