+15% to checkout conversions (+ free tool)

You apply best practices and they either don’t work or show you mediocre results…

You miss a very important step.

Here’s an example.

These guys were able to improve their checkout conversions by 15%.


They were watching/analysing a few hundred session recordings of visitors going through the checkout flow.
And discovered that about 15% of the time someone was going through the checkout, the “Proceed to Next Step” button that led users to the payment step would just simply disappear.

Can you figure this out through A/B testing random interesting hacks?
No way.

What’s the takeaway?

Don’t use best practices blindly.
Always start with your own research. It’s always unique.
Based on your unique findings, use suitable best practices.

By the way, here’s a cool free tool for session recordings for you: SmartLook (www.smartlook.com)

Source: splitbase.com/conversion-research-ecommerce/