He hacked 49% of expo + $100K (smart hack)

Conferences are full of hot potential clients ready to buy.

But it’s so hard to become noticed and get conversions.

Sebastian Agren managed to make 49% of attendees talk to him personally + they converted into $100K for his company.

Not bad?

There’s more – Sebastian didn’t attend the conference.


Yeah, very smart hack.

Here’s what he did:

1. Registered for the conference to get access to a full list of exhibitors and attendees (names, companies).

2. Utilized browser extensions like OutWitHub or Web Scraper to collect names, titles, and companies.

3. Used Hunter.io to convert those names/companies into actual emails.

4. Validated each email. One of the tools I love the most for this is mailboxlayer.com.

5. Segmented all the leads by industry.

6. Created a unique email template per industry + added Name and Company of each recipient.

7. Used the expo name in the subject line of the email.


+ 75% open rate

+ 49% replied

+ closed deals worth $100k to his company