Medium followers in 10 seconds (ninja hack)

We all want quick results, but this happens only in fairytales…

Or not? 😉

It looks like today is a fairytale.

There is a 10-second, super easy ninja hack on how to boost the volume of your followers on Medium right now.

1. Go to

2. Search your keyword.

3. Click on an influencer’s name to visit his/her profile.

4. Click on the followers tab.

5. Press Ctrl + Shift + J (Windows / Linux) or Cmd + Opt + J (Mac). Copy
and paste the code below to your console then press enter.

var inputs = document.getElementsByClassName(‘button–follow’);for(var i=0;i<inputs.length;i++){ inputs[i].click(); }

6. Your related audience will see notifications from you. Some of them will follow you back. If you use your keyword as your name, you’ll significantly boost your conversion. .

7. Do this 10-second trick every day to grow your audience easily :).