A 25-40% response rate (from influencers)

You invest weeks on sending cold emails but end up having 0 responses.

Who am I to get responses from those big names? – You think.

Test another approach! – An angel on your shoulder whispers to you :).

Jason Quey tested another approach and got a 25-40% response rate from sending cold emails to influencers.

Here’s how:

1. He made the subject line appealing.

2. His email was short.

3. He personalized the email with compliments in a genuine way.

4. He made a connection between what an influencer is doing and his product, showing he’s done his research.

5. He didn’t beg. He showed influencers what’s in it for the influencer = why an opportunity is worth his time.

6. He didn’t forcefully sell an influencer on his idea.

7. He ended an email with a question.

8. He followed-up.

An example:

Subject: can I give you $2,100 Samantha? 🙂

Hi Samantha,

I came across your article on being at peace with your training.

I loved it! I constantly obsess over my training results. I’m excited to try out your techniques next time I hit the gym!

My team at Acme Co. has worked with many CrossFit bloggers like you who have reviewed our signature drink, RunnersAide.

The typical influencer made $2,100 for their review. We can provide you with pictures, talking points, and a free case for you to try.

Would you be interested in having me send you more information about our influencer program?

All the best,


A follow-up example:


I’m sure you’ve got a bit on your plate, so I wanted to follow up to see if you were interested in doing a video review.

Most paleo influencers we’ve worked with make $2,100 per promotion.

Would that be of interest to you, FIRSTNAME?

