Study: 97% retention rate [2 short tactics]

AdRoll has a 97% annual customer retention rate among their 30,000 users in 100 countries!

Do you want the same retention? 😉

While others try to attack retention from a marketing angle by:

1. Offering discounts.

2. Asking generic questions.

3. Notifying about new features…

Here’s what AdRoll does instead:

1. They send automated emails with reports and metrics about a user’s
account, showing off the main metrics right inside the body of the

2. In those emails they offer personalized insights for improvement (using their SaaS), tied to specific points of customer data. Example: Do this … to boost your ROI.

Win-win results:

For customers. They get advice, make improvements that help them achieve their long-term goals.

For the company. 97% retention rate!