The top 7 SEO things that really work

There are millions of pages of information about different SEO tactics.
You can waste 1000 lives testing them all.
I‘m not going to do it 🙂

I‘m better off asking the most famous SEO experts one question:
“What’s the one thing that has brought you the most results in the SERPs?”

I analyzed the answers and created… this list of TOP 7 SEO tactics that really work:

1. Adding long-form content (2000+ word blogs) around low competition keywords.
2. Infographics with transcripts (to get backlinks).
3. Focus on local content. Understanding local algorithms.
4. Focus on the How when creating content.
5. Being able to answer a “query” better than competing websites.
6. Video content hosted onsite.
7. Obsessing about the page performance.