+300% to activation rate (unexpected study)

LogMeIn had a big, mystical problem.
Right after signing up, users saw the button “Download for free”.
But 90% didn’t click it!

Whatever they tried to change with the button, nothing helped.

Then they did this and their conversions increased by 300%!

Here’s how it happened:

1. They decided to ask users “Why haven’t you downloaded the software?”.
2. And got an unexpected answer: “We don’t believe the product is free. It’s too good to be true.”

3. They added a new button below: “Download a free trial of the paid version”.

It made users think: “If there’s a paid version, the free version shouldn’t look ‘too good to be true.’”


300% improvement!

Source: medium.com/@bryceyork/insider-secrets-for-high-impact-growth-with-sean-ellis-7b49c3afb561