A free channel responsible for 57% of Amazon’s sales

There are so many competitors out there and ad bids are so high.
How to survive?

Did you know that even Amazon generates 57% of its sales from this free channel?
It’s a huge number.
The best part is that you can use it too.

This free channel is long-tail searches.

Amazon is unable to cover all long-tail searches like this one:
How much does a fiberglass pool cost

There are billions of similar searches.
And this is a good chance for you to take your share of the market.

My favorite tool for finding delicious long tail keywords is keywordtool.io
They have a pretty robust free version.

I also used this method for Google Adwords and received really cheap and highly targeted clicks ($0.10).

Source: neilpatel.com/blog/7-brilliant-examples-of-brands-driving-long-tail-organic-traffic/